How Long Do Brake Pads Last?

Mechanic Adjusting Brake Pad

How long should brake pads last? Most brake pads generally last anywhere from 30,000-70,000 miles, but some brake pads can even exceed the 100,00-mile mark. This number can vary depending on several factors, but Jaguar Richfield Certified Pre-Owned & Service has all the details on how long brake pads last and what you can do to get the most out of your brake pads on the Minneapolis roads. Learn the basics with Jaguar Richfield Certified Pre-Owned & Service, and visit our service center for all of your brake pad care and maintenance needs.

Different Kinds of Brake Pads

How long should brake pads last? But we have a general recommendation, how long brake pads last can be affected I what kind of brake pads your vehicle has, your Edina driving habits, and other factors. It’s important to note that there is more than one kind of brake pad, so take a look at the different kinds of brake pads below to get an idea of how long they should last:

  • Organic Brake Pads: These kinds of brake pads are made with non-metallic fibers that are bonded into a composite material and are then added with fillers. These kinds of brake pads are usually softer and quieter, but they tend to break down faster than other kinds.
  • Semi-Metallic Brake Pads: These kinds of brake pads usually are made of steel wool, wire, copper, or other similar metals. They’re usually about 30%-65% metal. One of their advantages is that they’re highly durable. But, they may break down brake rotors faster than other kinds of brake pads, and they might not function as well in low temperatures compared to other kinds of brake pads.
  • Synthetic/Ceramic Brake Pads: These kinds of brake pads are made from non-organic and non-metallic materials like fiberglass or aramid fibers. Advantages of these brake pads compared to others include being lighter, stronger, and having the ability to offer better braking power. However, they usually cost significantly more than other kinds of brake pads.

To find the brake pads you need for your vehicle, visit our parts store at Jaguar Richfield Certified Pre-Owned & Service.

How to Make Brake Pads Last Longer

Now that you know what the different kinds of brake pads are, take a look at what you can do to make your brake pads last longer on the St. Paul roads:

  • Reduce your speed while driving.
  • Come to a slow stop rather than a sudden halt.
  • Carry less cargo than you need as this will reduce the power needed by the brakes.
  • Get your brake fluids flushed regularly. Ideally, you’ll want to get them flushed around every 25,000 miles.

If your vehicle needs brake pad service, schedule service at Jaguar Richfield Certified Pre-Owned & Service to get them taken care of immediately.

How Long Do Ceramic Brake Pads Last?

If you’re considering ceramic brake pads due to their lightweight and higher strike levels, you’re probably curious about how long they usually last. How long do ceramic brake pads last? Most ceramic brake pads can last up to 75,000 miles before needing to be replaced, but again, this number can vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

Get Your Brake Pads Serviced at Jaguar Richfield Certified Pre-Owned & Service

How long do brake pads last? You can expect your brake pads to last up to 70,000 miles and even well beyond that, but be sure to implement our recommended driving habits and services to help you get the most out of your brake pads. Contact us if you need brake pads service or have any questions about brake pads.


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